The Journey Together

The Cure for Poverty is Connection
“One of our major findings is that in determining someone’s current mental health, the history of their childhood relational health—their connectedness—is as important as, if not more important than, their...
The Cure for Poverty is Connection
“One of our major findings is that in determining someone’s current mental health, the history of their childhood relational health—their connectedness—is as important as, if not more important than, their...

Better Every Year
I’m writing this e-mail while our students spend their last half day in school. With summer a few hours away, I’m filled with gratitude that we get to walk with...
Better Every Year
I’m writing this e-mail while our students spend their last half day in school. With summer a few hours away, I’m filled with gratitude that we get to walk with...

We Don’t Believe in “Bad Kids”
“There are no good or bad kids at Presencia. We’re all doing our best.” On Tuesday, Katie said those words to a student who struggles with spelling, and I’ve been thinking...
We Don’t Believe in “Bad Kids”
“There are no good or bad kids at Presencia. We’re all doing our best.” On Tuesday, Katie said those words to a student who struggles with spelling, and I’ve been thinking...

Processing Trauma in Community
I was on my way to the Presencia apartment to prepare the space for our staff and students when I saw this message from Katie: “hey guys we’re on a...
Processing Trauma in Community
I was on my way to the Presencia apartment to prepare the space for our staff and students when I saw this message from Katie: “hey guys we’re on a...

My Presencia Story
My name is Wanda Islas, and I manage our programs at Presencia. I’m 22 years old, and I have a baby boy who just turned two. Growing up, I was...
My Presencia Story
My name is Wanda Islas, and I manage our programs at Presencia. I’m 22 years old, and I have a baby boy who just turned two. Growing up, I was...

Your Health Matters to Our Work!
Ruthie and I used to push through cycles of despair, exhaustion, cynicism, and contempt to try to meet needs in our community. When we began training and hiring our young...
Your Health Matters to Our Work!
Ruthie and I used to push through cycles of despair, exhaustion, cynicism, and contempt to try to meet needs in our community. When we began training and hiring our young...