LIFTOFF: Launch Presencia into a New Year
In 2024, we took big steps to become a community that was radically inclusive, neighborhood led, and sustainable through generations.
With all these good changes in place, we need a generous team to support our work. Will you help us launch into new spaces in 2025?

Share the joy of the season. Sponsor a gift for a Presencia kid!
A good gift could change a child’s life.
How much do you love buying good gifts for the people you really know and care about? Our mentors at Presencia love it!
It is one of the greatest joys to know each kid specifically and buy them something special for Christmas. It’s a way to demonstrate a deeper truth in the relationship. It’s a way of saying “I really know you.”

Eat-in for Presencia
Some kids at Presencia would go without a meal in the evening if not for the Presencia after school program.
Instead of eating out, would you eat-in one meal a month and share those saved funds with Presencia?